Wednesday, June 17, 2009

About Jaundice Pandemic

What Is the jaundice?

Jaundice is a condition causing yellowish discoloration at skin and white at eye. If You depress your finger at nose or chest hit by jaundice, you can see this yellows tint. If your baby had dark skin, you can see white and yellow colour in eye or in its(the gum. Which most commonly jaundice type grows at third or second day of birth - when return baby from home pain - so that important to know it and kepts an eye out for this disease. Most of this cases, so-called wafting jaundice, will lose x'self during two weeks.

Is jaundice cause?

Newborn baby has red blood cell more than requirement of its(the body, where baby liver cannot process it is in a short time, yellow dye so-called bilirubin ( produced from red blood cell) which there is in blood. Bilirubin which many this stays in baby body, where some cases, jaundice will grow during 2 his(its postnatal week. Baby with genetics descendant, susceptible is hit [by] infection of jaundice. This jaundice will grow if baby is less asupan milk, because bilirubin cannot go out from its(the body through dirt / urine. If(when jaundice is detected within 24 hours first, probably because existence of incompatibility of blood with mother ( mother is RH-NEGATIF and baby RH-POSITIF), infection, or liver problem.

Needs to worry ?

Most of newborn baby suffers from non dangerous yellows and doesn't require treatment. Possibly Medical doctor will take blood sample to be done bilirubin rate test in body, and usually is taken a few of its(the heels. Jaundice handling, diamana Medical doctor will suggest to be done therapy ( light therapy), where baby with naked body will be put down under [light/ray] so that excess of derivable bilirubin and released. This can be done in hospital or in house with unit portabel. Special of blanket type fiber optic, called as bili blanket, has the same effect.

Besides [light/ray], important to take care of your baby not lack of dilution and identify and treats every problem medically. Possibly Medical doctor will suggest you to suckle a more regular or by giving side dish to can give your baby many dilutions and assists it is healing jaundice. Intention of treatment is to reduce level of bilirubin and prevents poison growing from baby brain ( disease called as kernicterus). With watcher and therapy, risk kernicterus or other komplikasi gone down to next to nothing.

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