Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Health Beverage Tea

Tea is trop. crop and subtropical scientifically is recognized as Camellia Sinensis. From approximately 3000 tea types result of cross marriage, got 3 kinds of tea result of process, that is green tea, tea oolong, and black tea. Way of processing of tea that is with merajang tea leaf and put to the sun by below under sunshine causing experiences chemical change before dried. The treatment will cause foliage colour to become chocolate and gives typical black tea taste goal.

Green tea, eldest tea type, very is taken a fancy to especially by Japan public and Chinese. Here tea leaf experiences a few processing processes, only warm-up and draining so that colour became green defensible leaf. While tea oolong is more is switchover type between black teas and green tea. Third having each tea type is health special quality because containing biochemical tying so-called polyfenol, including in it flavonoid. Flavonoid is a group of antioxidant that is naturally at in vegetables, fruits, and beverage like tea and grape wine.

Subklas polifenol covers flavonol, flavone, flavanone, anthocyanidin, catechin, and biflavan. Born of catechin like epi-cathecin ( effective concentration), epigallo-cathecin ( EGC), epigallo-cathecin gallate ( EGCG), and quercetin generally is found in tea. EGCG and quercetin is anti strong oxidant with strength until 4-5 higher times compared to vitamin E and C which also is potential antioxidant. Antioxidant is known can obviate cell from damage to remember every damage of cell will contribute more than 50 disease.

Green tea contains EGCg, and so do black tea, it is so said bichemistry expert. In a study done by Dutch researcher to mention, consumes 4-5 black teacup;teapots every day will reduce finite stroke risk of 70% compared to with they consuming tea 2 cup one day or less. Other report mentions more consuming black tea related to the low of heart attack case. John Folts, Medical School Director, Center Research and Pencegahan Arteri Trombosis, University Wisconsin, AS finds special quality key in tea that is flavonoid. Result of its(the research showing, flavonoid in black tea can pursue cloting of blood platelet cells causing prevents embolism to disease hantung coroner and stroke. Other study mentions that fanatical tea drunkard has low cholesterol rate and blood pressure, though still be unclear is altogether that directly caused by tea.

The researchers in Universitas Case Western Reserve, Cleveland, AS finds usage influence of green tea at skin until 90 %. Simply very effective tea protects skin from sunshine which can result skin cancer. Tea also is known contains fluoride which can strengthen tooth enamel and assists prevents tooth damage. In a laboratory study in Japan, the experts finds that tea assists prevents forming of dental plaque and kills mouth bacterium cause of pembengkakan gum.

Research in Japan shows, tea producer area which its the civilian is famous as fanatism tea drunkard, very low of its(the mortality which caused by cancer. Result of other study, done cooperation between researcher teams Oguni and center research of cancer in Beijing to study green tea extract influence at mouse which has been given ransum carcinogenic food ( matter trigger cancer). Reported, number average of cancer at mouse obtaining green tea extract semi from mouse which is not obtains green tea extract.

The researchers is sure that polifenol known as cathecin found on green tea, assists human body to fight against cancer cell. Other study done by Oguni and Dr. Masami Yamada from Hamamatsu Medical Center finds cathecin to kill Helicobator pylori, bacterium trigger stomach cancer.

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